Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thanks, Tasha...

Ok, my friend Tasha got me into the series of books...Now before I start, let me say, YES, they are geared towards teenage girls, I will even go so far to say, The Harry Potter for girls...I have read all four books within a two week time frame. (I wanted to screen them before Anna started them...yeah, thats my story...) That includes her new book, The Host, also...

I have waited to see the trailer for the movie Twilight, until after I finished the book. The actor playing Bella, in my opinion is right on...That is exactly how I pictured her...But Edward? No way! Could we not have found a better looking guy. Somebody that takes your breath away? Come on girls, am I wrong? Maybe he will grow on me?

I know who would have played a great Edward...Bryan Fisher! Anna thinks so too. He plays Jason on the George Lopez show.

Know who else would have played a good Edward? Zac Efron...


Anonymous said...

LOL, yeah... I'm not thrilled about the casting, either. I agree, Zac Efron would've made an awesome Edward.... but, I think my personal favorite (for looks... no clue about acting skill) would be Thomas Dekker. :)

Cheryl Haggard said...

Tasha, Thomas Dekker? NO WAY! I think that Robert Pattinson is beginning to grow on me...LOL! I feel like I'm a teenager again...