Friday, August 22, 2008

NILMDTS mentioned in a book...

My friend Mary, from Kansas City, emailed me this morning telling me about the book she was reading: "I was reading last night and they talked about Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep in the book. I was so proud of you when I read it, I started to cry:) happy tears...a baby is born with hydrocephaly and is fading and they give the family a business card of one of the photographers to call and they talk about the wonderful gift of memories the organization gives. It was great. In the back of the book they give the website and encourage readers to visit it."
I mean, seriously, how cool is that? I had no clue. Buy the book!

1 comment:

Linda said...

That is too cool! For some reason I thought this was brought up on the forum before. When I read this I already knew about it. So it must have been the forum. :)