Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Here are The Beckers from Pueblo Colorado. Affiliated photographers, area coordinators and Certified Trainers. They were available to help answer questions.
I am honored to be a speaker at the Support Organization for Trisomy 18, 13 and Related Disorders, during their Chapter Chair Luncheon, on Friday July 25th. Please visit their web site, and pass it on if you know of a family dealing with a Trisomy. Here is the beautiful ending slideshow presentation that Tasha put together. ENDING TRISOMY VIDEO PRESENTATION


AOGF said...

My 15 month old nephew has trisomy 8P *very rare, few documented cases* His Mommy and Daddy really wanted to attend the SOFT conference, but unable due to traveling is too difficult with his needs as well as leaving him with a care giver.

The Asquad said...

STUNNING VIDEO!! Miss Tasha has a God-given talent and does a beautiful job!!