Monday, February 2, 2009


I am reading the book "The Shack"  by Wm Paul Young.  My friend Roberta lent it to me, and said that she thought of me throughout the book...I am half way through it.  It is so touching, personal and heartwarming.  I came across two passages that mean so much to me.  I wanted to share them.

Said God to Mackenzie:  "Pain has a way of clipping our wings and keeping us from being able to fly...And if left unresolved for very long, you can almost forget that you were ever created to fly in the first place."  

Said God to Mackenzie:  "There are millions of reasons to allow pain and hurt and suffering rather that to eradicate them, but most of those reasons can only be understood within each person's story.  I am not evil.  You are the ones who embrace fear and pain and power and rights so readily in your relationships.  But your choices are also not stronger than my purposes, and I will use every choice you make for the ultimate good and the most loving outcome."


Bree at Clarity Defined said...

I just finished reading this... my roommate lent it to me. It's SO good. One of my favorite lines is on pg. 96:

"Love always leaves a significant mark."

Anonymous said...

I am also reading this book, it very intense and provokes a lot of thought. I recommend it to anyone. Thank you for NILMDTS, the service is such a God send to our families that experience a loss.

Anonymous said...

First let me say thank you for NILMDTS it is helping me tremendously and about the book "The Shack". My mom is reading this it was recommended by someone in her sunday school class after our daughter was stillborn. I think that God and my little Abigail meant for her to read this. I call my daughter Ladybug and told her on the day of her funeral that everytime I saw a ladybug I would know she was thinking of me and I was thinking of her too. Not two weeks after her funeral in the middle of winter (January) I saw a ladybug outside my house and a week later a ladybug on my mom's kitchen ceiling and again when we got home from the bookstore where my mom bought this book we noticed there is a ladybug on the cover of this book. So I think we were both meant to read this.